Affordable Housing Consulting and Technical Assistance

Consulting Services

We provide technical assistance in the Public Housing, Housing Choice Voucher, Project Based Voucher, RAD Occupancy, HUD Multifamily and Administrative areas. Below are just a few specific technical assistance topics.

Public Housing: Compliance assessments, Flat Rents, Quality Control Systems, VAWA, Preparation for HUD reviews, Resident issues, Management operations, Maintenance Plan, Maintenance reviews, Work Order systems, Designated Housing, Section 504 reviews, FSS

Housing Choice Voucher: SEMAP certification, HUD remote reviews, Compliance reviews, Moving to Work, VASH, Reasonable Rent, Quality control systems, Small Area FMR payment standards, VMS reviews, Landlord outreach, FSS.

Project-Based Voucher: Coordinate the PBV selection and HAP Contract process; Provide required documents and research; PBV documentation maintenance system, property management/HCV coordination.

RAD: Coordinate occupancy compliance, Waiting List conversion, PBRA vs. PBV, RAD PBV Administrative Plan, PBRA Tenant Selection Plan and other policies.

HUD Multifamily: Preparation for MOR, TSP – related advise, EIV Operations and Security, Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing, New Construction, Project Based Rental Assistance.

Administrative: Organizational Studies, Strategic Planning, Fair Housing, BOC, Staffing Levels, Work flows, Efficiency studies, Temporary executive and director staffing.

Our approach to consulting services is unique as it combines automated systems and close communication with Agency staff. We take the time to understand the Agency’s unique challenges. Then both web-based analytical systems and comprehensive consultation protocols are used to meet these challenges. Finally, after the consultation, we follow up to help ensure success.


For Information:
Mark Vogeler

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Technical Program Support

We provide program support services to the federal government under several IDIQ contracts. Currently, we are providing program support services to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH), the Office of Policy, Program and Legislative Initiatives (OPPLI) and the Office of Native American Programs (ONAP).

The range of services include, but are not limited to: on-site technical assistance, the development and delivery of training, professional technical writing services, management analysis, research, assessments, evaluations, and seminar and conference support. Also, we provide services for: technical writing for the development and/or editing of handbooks, guidebooks, reports, notices and other documents; management analyses to determine the most efficient and effective research studies and program evaluations and services be undertaken in conjunction with very high priority studies on subjects which pertain to programs, policies, and issues related to the government’s mission and goals. Additionally, we provide technical assistance and training to HUD and local agency staff; develop videos, written documentation, and audio/visual presentations.

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We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help. 

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